On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 02:58:37PM +0000, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
> On 2015-06-22, "Bryan C. Everly" <br...@bceassociates.com> wrote:
> > I wiped and re-loaded my laptop over the weekend with the latest
> > snapshots and noticed that Chromium isn't in the amd64 snapshot
> > package directory on any of the mirrors I checked.  Is there currently
> > a problem with the build on that or should I bit the bullet and build
> > from source?
> The chromium build is very brittle and fails frequently in quasi-random
> ways.  During the latest amd64 snapshot build, chromium errored out
> twice, in slightly different ways.  I'd be happy to send you the
> voluminous logs.

It's generally reasonably simple to fix, just takes a while to go thru the
logs and figure out which dependency was missed.

That's one "feature" of ninja: it's geared towards making full parallel
builds of a given port.  But the gyp frontend that generates the ninja
files is often incomplete.  The chromium developers are very sloppy, and
they forget to record lots of interdependencies.

Figuring out one of these bugs is not complicated, it's just time-consuming.

- look at the error in the log.
- figure out which file wasn't generated, match it to the corresponding
subset A in the gypi/gyp files.
- figure out which file was being generated, match it to the corresponding
subset B in the gypi/gyp files.
- add the missing dependency between B and A in the file.
- check out the patch works okay.

If people want things to improve, it's simple: post out the failures you
got, and ask people to look things over. It's not THAT complicated. Just
time-consuming (and boring after you've done a few).

It's something that, conceivably, newbie OpenBSD wannabe developers 
that want to help could try to tackle.

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