
On 2014-09-03 Wed 19:13 PM |, Craig R. Skinner wrote:
> For the new httpd, will there be a mechanism to set cachability?
> Browser/proxy caching reduces both bandwidth costs & server load.

Would the expires header be simple to add?

Does the new patterns support help here?:

> Rough nginx e.g:
> http {
>       ...
>       ..
>       expires 3d;
>       add_header Pragma public;
>       add_header Cache-Control public;
>       server {
>               ...
>               ..
>               location ~* \.(?:jpe?g|png|gif|svg|mp3|mp4)$ {
>                       expires 1y;
>               }
>               location ~* \.(?:ico|js|pdf)$ {
>                       expires 3M;
>               }
>       }
> }
> Maybe something could be done globally within the mime types???

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