On the USB connector I didn't notice it when I installed the board but
I can look when I get home in a couple of days.

I haven't pushed it to breaking but it has yet to present a bottleneck.


On Jul 27, 2015, at 1:14 PM, Quartz <qua...@sneakertech.com> wrote:

>> I just deployed an OpenBSD 5.7 firewall/router/dhcp/dns using this 
>> motherboard:
>> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157417
> As a side question, is that a female usb connector planted vertically right 
> on the motherboard?
>> It uses the Intel Atom D2550 1.86GHz 2-Core chip and has dual 1000
>> Mbps Intel NICs on the motherboard.  I am running the amd64 binaries
>> on it and it's serving its purpose really well.
> How hard have you pushed the network IO?

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