On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 02:48:41PM +0200 or thereabouts, Stefan Sperling wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 08:58:54PM -0500, Yass Amed wrote:
> > This problem is NOT specific to this model or any other machine (as far as 
> > I experienced).
> > This issue was present on a few towers and still is on an Intel/Asus{1} 
> > based machine.
> > You can try debugging FireFox or Chromium with gdb(1).
> > 
> > {1} No dmesg, not on this machine at the moment.
> I have never seen fluent browser HTML5 video on any OpenBSD machine.

Same here. I always download any video content first and play it in vlc or
mplayer. The chaps at Jondo reckon it is a little safer too.

> Generally, videos at a fair resolution on OpenBSD played back without
> use of xvideo extensions or OpenGL are not watchable.
> My theory is that browsers rely on fast multi-core CPUs and multihreading in
> the kernel to show video smoothly. OpenBSD doesn't have multihreading in
> the kernel and is tuned for correctness rather than performance.
> Did anyone try playing HTML5 video in a browser on a slow (<= 1Ghz) single
> core machine running Linux? Would you expect that to work?

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