On July 29, 2015 12:23:34 AM GMT+02:00, Kevin Chadwick <m8il1i...@gmail.com> 
>> Hi.
>> OpenBSD don't include browser by default, but my recommendation is
>> always Mozilla Firefox.
>> Regards
>> On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 7:00 AM, Mohammad BadieZadegan
>> <mbzade...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> > As we know the default X Window manager for OpenBSD is fvwm
>> > <http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=fvwm&sektion=1> and
>that is
>> > very usefull for initial using of OpenBSD.
>> > But Does OpenBSD have any WEB browser(Text or vs Image) by default?
>> > If have not, What is the best and lightest browser that usefull
>with fvwm?
>> > Thanks.
>I used to do some price changes on a wordpress site for a friend and it
>would take just under 10 mins on firefox/chromium and around 5 with
>xombrero ;-) due to much faster page loading and it is a fully
>graphical browser.
>I still keep firefox around, partly because javascript on some sites
>causes core dumps in webkit-gtk (less so these days) but also because
>it's easier than turning whitelist mode off to see if the issue is
>simply another dumb site that *relies* on third party javascript.
>If you don't mind learning a tiled window manager then spectrwm is
>written by some of the devs.

Not intending to pick a fight with any of those devs putting their time and 
effort creating free software, but I moved away from spectrwm because it was a 
gem that never seemed to get that final touch. Whole admittedly a long time 
ago, that was the same reason I never really took up on xombrero, but maybe it 
got better.

For anyone interested in spectrwm, I suggest *also* looking at i3wm. Not saying 
is better for everyone, but I lack very few features from it.


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