Hello misc@

I just noticed from the detailed changelog 5.7->5.8:
that e.g tcopy, tip and lmccontrol were removed, but after upgrading from
5.7 to 5.8 I still have /usr/bin/tip, /usr/bin/tcopy and /sbin/lmccontrol
in the filesystem, with old dates.

The upgrade guide:
listed files to remove concerning the removed sudo, but nothing about
the utilities above.

There are also more old files hanging around, e.g:
and in /usr/lib there are old versions of libtls, libssl, libkvm, libedit,
libcrypt, libc, etc...

I vaguely remember reading something about old libraries remaining after an
upgrade, but can not find it now, at least not up front in the FAQ.

So my question is; should these old utilities be removed after upgrading to
5.8?  And what about old libraries?

/ Raimo Niskanen, Erlang/OTP, Ericsson AB

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