On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 02:27:21PM GMT, Stefan Wollny wrote:
> Am 11/18/15 um 01:43 schrieb Daniel Wilkins:
> >When I try to play sounds on my Thinkpad T430 I find that the audio's rather
> >quiet, I've experimented a bit and found that at about 170 (mixerctl
> >outputs.master=170) the volume stops increasing. It just stays constant from
> >170 to 255, or at least the change is so quiet that I can't hear it. I've 
> >looked
> >around in the driver a little bit, but I'm no kernel hacker, the only thing I
> >noticed that might help is that for a few widgets outamp (I'm assuming output
> >amplify?) is muted.
> >
> Check the following:
> $ mixerctl outputs.master
> Most likely it is s.th. like "120,120". Try setting it to "245,245" (either
> with doas/sudo or su to root).
> If it fits your needs, cp mixerctl.conf from /etc/examples to /etc and set
> the variable accordingly to make this setting permanent.

Stefan, the OP already mentioned (see above) that he had already tried
that and it stays constant.

On my machine, increasing the volume on 'outputs.mixY', where 'Y' is
'2', did the trick.

Setting 'outputs.hp_boost=on' (for headphones) may increase the volume



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