On Fri, Dec 04, 2015 at 03:33:10PM -0500, Bryan C. Everly wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> With the latest snapshot installed, I can confirm that this machine will
> (sort of) suspend.  Unfortunately it won't wake up.
> When it suspends (via 'zzz' from the console), the screen turns off.
> However, the keyboard backlight, the USB network adapter I'm using, and the
> "red cylon eye" in the headphone jack are all still active.
> Any information I can provide to help further the cause here?  Anyone who
> is willing to work with me to help figure out how we can unlock more of the
> potential in this hardware?
> Thanks,
> Bryan

Considering that you didn't even give us a dmesg ...

man sendbug

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