I've been able to run most *AMP stuff on OpenBSD/nginx/php_fpm. I've not
tried librenms before, but the major hurdle for chroot is usually the
mariaDB socket. I overcome this by setting up mariadb to bind to localhost
and setting up a user on to force a TCP connection instead of
sockets. This is a little slower but I've never seen it make a web app
sluggish on its own.
If you want an example of the setup I use, I wrote it up here (only up to
date with 5.7 though) http://www.h-i-r.net/p/openbsd-nginx-php-mysql.html

On Sun, Dec 27, 2015, 07:40 ludovic coues <cou...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 26 Dec 2015 12:47 am, "Predrag Punosevac" <punoseva...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > I was wondering if anybody tried running LibreNMS with httpd from the
> > base and even more fundamentally does httpd from the base support
> > "unsecure" mode. I read up and down httpd several times but I didn't see
> > anything about insecure mode.
> >
> Like many part of OpenBSD, httpd from base have a concept of "non-optional
> security". So there is no possibility to use httpd without chroot.

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