
> I am looking for tutorials on developing any and every aspect of OpenBSD,
> from bootloaders to device drivers to writing a raspberry pi image of
> OpenBSD.
> The more tutorials the better, because it allows the end user to not only
> provide useful feedback to the developers, it allows the user to customize
> their install in a safe and easy manner.
> You could post tutorials for writing custom audio and graphics frameworks
> too as I am looking to write a few frameworks myself.
> so literally tutorials on any and every aspect of developing openBSD,
> including how to get software to run under openbsd would be great tutorials
> for the entire world of computers.

do you learn how to ride a bike by reading a tutorial ? :)

If you already know C, this is good enough to start reading OpenBSD src/
You will notice a high quality of code and documentation(manpages).

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