Just my 2 cents (I hope my comments are not misleading in terms of the
project directives)

The content you would usually find in Linux tutorials, as "recipes" (e.g.
"type these characters to find happiness") in OpenBSD
AFAIK are incorporated into:
1) "quasi-tutorials" man pages - e.g. afterboot(8), crash(8), intro(8),
ssl(8), style(9), perlunicook(1)
2) man pages with more extensive Examples sections - e.g. sysctl(8),
pax(1), find(1)
3) FAQ pages:
PF: http://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/index.html
4) mail-lists discussions

So I think there are already "channels" for providing practical advice,
maybe is just a matter of getting our hands dirty and sending diffs to



On Sunday, 24 January 2016, Gleydson Soares <gsoa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> > I am looking for tutorials on developing any and every aspect of OpenBSD,
> > from bootloaders to device drivers to writing a raspberry pi image of
> > OpenBSD.
> >
> > The more tutorials the better, because it allows the end user to not only
> > provide useful feedback to the developers, it allows the user to
> customize
> > their install in a safe and easy manner.
> >
> > You could post tutorials for writing custom audio and graphics frameworks
> > too as I am looking to write a few frameworks myself.
> >
> > so literally tutorials on any and every aspect of developing openBSD,
> > including how to get software to run under openbsd would be great
> tutorials
> > for the entire world of computers.
> do you learn how to ride a bike by reading a tutorial ? :)
> If you already know C, this is good enough to start reading OpenBSD src/
> You will notice a high quality of code and documentation(manpages).

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