> Christoph R. Murauer wrote:
>> Let's say someone will build releases and packages, would the
>> project
>> accept this builds or is there the need to host them self (security
>> /
>> trust and so on) ?
> It takes more than just someone willing to type a few commands. You
> have investigate and understand the failures.
> If the first reply to this thread was not "hey, I noticed snapshots
> were
> missing too so I started building them on my own, here's a link" then
> I'm not
> very optimistic. Not to be all Debbie Downer, but most problems in
> OpenBSD
> aren't fixed by people who need to be told the nature of the problem.

I totally agree. My question was more meaned like, is it worth in
theese days to invest time and money to learn this things on a old
platform like a Sun or SGI or, is it better to buy cheap amd64
hardware and, let it as it is.

Also not meaned as decission what a person should do (code or not
code) - more like, it was good but now it is dead and we go on or as
long, as there are XYZ people out there we keep it alive.

I know, noone could answer that for me ... it was a try, maybe in the
hope, that others had similar minds.

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