
Some quite deep reading [1] taught me that at least quite recently, there was a ~3GB cap on the buffer cache, independent of architecture and system RAM size.

Reading the source history of vfs_bio.c [2] gives me a vague impression that this cap is there also today.

Just wanted to check, has this cap been removed, or is there any plan to remove it next months from now?


(Sorry for the spam, hope it serves some constructive purpose.)

* http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/61459/does-sysctl-kern-bufcachepercent-not-work-in-openbsd-5-2-above-1-7gb mentions:
   "... the buffer cache being restricted to 32bit DMA memory ...
   http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=130174663714841&w=2 "

 * Ted mentions:
"One hopeful change is to finally add support for highmem on amd64 systems."

* Bob Beck mentioned something that maybe is to this effect in http://www.openbsd.org/papers/bsdcan13-buf/ in the last-but one slide, that is http://www.openbsd.org/papers/bsdcan13-buf/mgp00017.html .


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