There seems to be a difference between an X session
initialized by startx(1) and one launched by xdm(1).

When I start an X session via startx, the settings
specified in ~/.Xresources seem to be honoured.
A session started via xdm(1) does _not_ honour

        XTerm*utf8:     true
        XTerm*locale:   UTF-8

and every xterm I start in the running cwm(1)
with ctrl+alt+del has XTERM_LOCALE=C

On the other hand, an xterm I start with `xterm`
from an already running xterm has XTERM_LOCALE=cs_CZ.UTF-8
For an xdm(1) session, this is exactly the difference in env(1)
between a ctrl-alt-del started xterm and an `xterm`.

In a startx(1) session, the xterm started as ctrl-alt-del
already has XTERM_LOCALE=cs_CZ.UTF-8 as per ~/.Xresources

Is this expected? Is it due to a difference between
an xdm(1) session and a startx(1) session?


$ cat ~/.xinit:


xset -b -c dpms 300 600 900 m 2 0 r rate 400 30 s blank s 120 60
xsetroot -solid black
xrdb ~/.Xresources
setxkbmap -layout "us,cz" -option "grp:shifts_toggle,grp_led:scroll"
xmodmap ~/.xmodmaprc

$ cat ~/.Xresources
(also symlinked as ~/.Xdefaults)

XTerm*termName:                 xterm-color
XTerm*message:                  true
XTerm*cutNewline:               true
XTerm*cutToBeginningOfLine:     true
XTerm*charClass:                37:48,45-47:48,58:48,64:48,126:48
! Here is a pattern that is useful for double-clicking on a URL:
!*charClass: 33:48,35:48,37-38:48,43-47:48,58:48,61:48,63-64:48,95:48,126:48
! Alternatively,
!*on2Clicks: regex 
XTerm*toolBar:                  false
!XTerm.keyboardType:            vt220
XTerm*backarrowKeyIsErase:      false
!XTer*deleteIsDEL:              true
!XTerm.ptyInitialErase:         true
XTerm*background:               black
XTerm*foreground:               white
XTerm*activeIcon:               false
XTerm*autowrap:                 true
XTerm*colorMode:                true
XTerm*cursorBlink:              true
XTerm*backarrowKey:             true
XTerm*dynamicColors:            false
XTerm*loginShell:               true
XTerm*reverseWrap:              true
XTerm*scrollBar:                false
!XTerm*scrollKey:               true
!XTerm*scrollLines:             1024
!XTerm*scrollTtyOutput:         false
XTerm*saveLines:                1024
XTerm*selectToClipboard:        true
!XTerm*translations:            TODO
XTerm*visualBell:               true
XTerm*pointerMode:              0
*modifyFunctionKeys:            0

XTerm*eightBitInput:            true
XTerm*eightBitOutput:           true
!XTerm*allowC1Printable:        true

XTerm*utf8:                     true
XTerm*locale:                   UTF-8
!XTerm*locale:                  true
!*fontMenu*utf8-mode*Label:     UTF-8 Encoding
!*fontMenu*utf8-fonts*Label:    UTF-8 Fonts
!*fontMenu*utf8-title*Label:    UTF-8 Titles


! xterm recognizes several escape sequences which can be used to set fonts,
! window properties, return settings via escape sequences.  Some find these
! useful; others are concerned with the possibility of unexpected inputs.
! Depending on your environment, you may wish to disable those by default by
! uncommenting one or more of the resource settings below:
*allowFontOps: false
*allowTcapOps: false
*allowTitleOps: false
*allowWindowOps: false

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