On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 8:12 AM, Alan Corey <alan01...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Anybody else see this?  It's happening at least 6 times a day, it's a
> little annoying.  It's happened a few times on my laptop (same 5.7
> i386).  It does happen without Firefox open but most of the time
> that's open anyway so I've only caught the cursor problem without
> Firefox a few times.  Ctrl and any arrow gets out of it.

I remember having firefox snag a server grab like that in the past,
but that was a long while ago.  5.7 is out of support now; no one's
going to dig in its source when two releases have come out since then
and another will out in a month.  Upgrade to at least 5.9, or better,
upgrade to 6.0 and report whether it's still a problem.

Philip Guenther

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