On Wednesday, 24. Aug 2016, 08:24:34 -0400, Nick Holland wrote:
> On 08/24/16 07:15, Bertram Scharpf wrote:
> > first of all, I am an experienced OS installer and I did a
> > heck of partitioning in my life.
> claim.  And re-installing windows twenty times counts as one OS.
> Installing Linux five times counts as another.

The last time I installed a Windows (if we call it an OS)
was about 1999. I had no Linux for about 7 years until
graphics weren't supported by BSD on my notebook for a

> > But yet it was too late. The partition table was
> > overwritten.

The bug is not a concrete misbehaviour but the trap it is
setting up.


Bertram Scharpf
Stuttgart, Deutschland/Germany

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