To be clear, it's not "the libreboot side" but rather "The Leah Rowe side"
- to date she has not offered any evidence of her accusations.
>From my viewpoint it seems VERY doubtful that the FSF would be bigoted
towards trans people and i'm inclined not to believe the accusation.

Leah: I also have to ask why you are only now looking into supporting the
BSDs better. The GNU project is not anti-BSD as you seem to believe.

Remember that GRUB contains code to load BSD kernels - in fact the last
time I installed OpenBSD I did so by loading bsd.rd from GRUB.

Leah - you might remember me as GarethTheGreat on freenode. I had a lot of
respect for your efforts with libreboot and gluglug and hoped to buy
a laptop from you at some point. I will no longer do so as I am a proud
supporter of the FSF and can see you actively slandering some good people.

I'd rather not drag the OpenBSD mailing lists into such drama so I will not
comment further.

“Lanie, I’m going to print more printers. Lots more printers. One for
everyone. That’s worth going to jail for. That’s worth anything.” -
Printcrime by Cory Doctrow

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 1:09 PM, <> wrote:

> On Thu, 6 Oct 2016 15:05:04 +1100
> Aaron Mason <> wrote:
> > Holy frijole, just reading some of the responses from the some people
> > in GNU - I'm at the point where I'm not entirely convinced that GNU
> > isn't a cult, with Stallman as the high almighty leader.
> I am suspicious of both sides. Libreboot's team talks about
> "transgender discrimination" of employees at GNU, without actually
> explaining what went on over at GNU that was anything serious, or
> anything "transgender" related.
> The Libreboot side claims some people got fired just for being
> transgender. I could not see anything more than just that claim, and a
> list of employees who were "discriminated" against.
> However, all the GNU side responses, as cult-ish as they are, are
> somewhat valid if Leah and co have set the copyright to the FSF, in
> which case there is no easy way out other than a fork. Leah and co have
> to be careful, because have a look at this:
> 2007-412165986-036368a0-9.pdf
> As of writing this message, we are in the 2010's, where anyone and
> everyone uses "(trans)gender discrimination" or "racial discrimination"
> to avoid accountability. A little suspicion, cynicism, and scepticism
> could reduce potential embarrassment.

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