
Please leave the drama off the lists.  Any discussion against drama is also
drama.  Can my mail be the last on the topic please?

People who have jumped onto this list from the outside without respecting our
community are the most disrespectful of all.

It should be all about code.  If it works, it'll be used by people.
If it doesn't work, it won't be used by people.  That's it.  Don't try to
upsell a process by politicizing it, it really does not work. 

> To be clear, it's not "the libreboot side" but rather "The Leah Rowe side"
> - to date she has not offered any evidence of her accusations.
> From my viewpoint it seems VERY doubtful that the FSF would be bigoted
> towards trans people and i'm inclined not to believe the accusation.
> Leah: I also have to ask why you are only now looking into supporting the
> BSDs better. The GNU project is not anti-BSD as you seem to believe.
> Remember that GRUB contains code to load BSD kernels - in fact the last
> time I installed OpenBSD I did so by loading bsd.rd from GRUB.
> Leah - you might remember me as GarethTheGreat on freenode. I had a lot of
> respect for your efforts with libreboot and gluglug and hoped to buy
> a laptop from you at some point. I will no longer do so as I am a proud
> supporter of the FSF and can see you actively slandering some good people.
> I'd rather not drag the OpenBSD mailing lists into such drama so I will not
> comment further.
> ---
> “Lanie, I’m going to print more printers. Lots more printers. One for
> everyone. That’s worth going to jail for. That’s worth anything.” -
> Printcrime by Cory Doctrow
> Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.
> See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html
> On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 1:09 PM, <bytevolc...@safe-mail.net> wrote:
> > On Thu, 6 Oct 2016 15:05:04 +1100
> > Aaron Mason <simplersolut...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > Holy frijole, just reading some of the responses from the some people
> > > in GNU - I'm at the point where I'm not entirely convinced that GNU
> > > isn't a cult, with Stallman as the high almighty leader.
> >
> > I am suspicious of both sides. Libreboot's team talks about
> > "transgender discrimination" of employees at GNU, without actually
> > explaining what went on over at GNU that was anything serious, or
> > anything "transgender" related.
> >
> > The Libreboot side claims some people got fired just for being
> > transgender. I could not see anything more than just that claim, and a
> > list of employees who were "discriminated" against.
> >
> > However, all the GNU side responses, as cult-ish as they are, are
> > somewhat valid if Leah and co have set the copyright to the FSF, in
> > which case there is no easy way out other than a fork. Leah and co have
> > to be careful, because have a look at this:
> > http://www.guidestar.org/FinDocuments/2007/412/165/
> > 2007-412165986-036368a0-9.pdf
> >
> > As of writing this message, we are in the 2010's, where anyone and
> > everyone uses "(trans)gender discrimination" or "racial discrimination"
> > to avoid accountability. A little suspicion, cynicism, and scepticism
> > could reduce potential embarrassment.

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