You forgot one item:

Don't file bug reports to the project, because your system is too far
away from what the developers use & maintain; and we cannot diagnose
the failure conditions you have inadvertently created.

So, if you are willing to accept that limitation -- knock yourself
out.  Change anything you want.  But do NOT tell us what bothers you,
until you repeat the problem on a *stock install*.

We simply cannot accept the cost of becoming fixit buddies for
everyone's private mistake.  It's like fixing the printer at grandma's
house.  It's not our job.

> I know some features that can give additional security isn't turned on due to
> because of the bad quality of the code in ports and some also decreases
> performance (or disables a feature, ex.: screenlock doesn't work if nosuid
> set, but if feature not used, nousid can be used).
> I only know about these "security hardenings", hopefully all are ok (if not,
> please say/argue!):
> ==================================================================
> ln -s GJU /etc/malloc.conf
> ==================================================================
> Remove wxallowed from /etc/fstab
> ==================================================================
> echo 'kern.stackgap_random=16777216' >> /etc/sysctl.conf
> ==================================================================
> Remove all SUID and SGID permissions and all FS must have "nosuid".
> ==================================================================
> Add noexec, nodev where you can in fstab, but can be bypassed..
> ==================================================================
> All filesystems that are only modified during software install and removal
> need to be read-only.
> They can be only rw if sw install/removal happens.
> ==================================================================
> Remove all files that is not needed for the machine to operate/do its
> purpose.
> ==================================================================
> echo "sysctl kern.securelevel=2" > /etc/rc.securelevel
> ==================================================================
> Make as many files immutable with "chflags schg filenamehere" as you can.
> ==================================================================
> If using X (so desktop) only use dangerous softwares (webbrowser, any viewer
> software: pdf, video, audio, torrent client, etc.) with another (limited)
> user!
> ==================================================================
> The purpose of this mail to find more... what are the other security features
> that are disabled in the default install?
> -----
> ps.: it would be nice to have a feature in the default installer to install
> with full disc encryption :) we still have to escape to shell during install
> and ex.:
> install60.iso
> (S)hell
> dmesg | grep MB # or: sysctl hw.disknames
> dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/rsd0c bs=1m # not needed, only for paranoids
> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rsd0c bs=1m count=1
> fdisk -iy sd0
> disklabel -E sd0
> a a
> enter
> enter
> w
> q
> bioctl -c C -l /dev/sd0a -r 20000000 softraid0
> # use a random high iteration number x > 10 000 000
> exit
> Start install to the newly created bioctl/crypt raid device: sdX, where X is
> ex.: 2...
> with a random (but very high) number for iteration, afaik iteration only
> counts when typing in the password, much higher iteration would slow down
> brute-force attackers.
> -----
> Many thanks.

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