Arg, I'm still having issues with the carp demote counter. I disabled
ospfd for now, but something is still changing it. After a reboot
without ospfd, the counter is changing between 0 and 1:

bash-4.3# ifconfig -g carp
carp: carp demote count 1

bash-4.3# ifconfig -g carp
carp: carp demote count 0

bash-4.3# ifconfig -g carp
carp: carp demote count 1

bash-4.3# ifconfig -g carp
carp: carp demote count 0

And the carp interface is flapping:

Oct 14 13:17:17 lisa /bsd: carp0: state transition: BACKUP -> MASTER
Oct 14 13:17:23 lisa /bsd: carp0: state transition: MASTER -> BACKUP
Oct 14 13:17:43 lisa /bsd: carp0: state transition: BACKUP -> MASTER
Oct 14 13:17:49 lisa /bsd: carp0: state transition: MASTER -> BACKUP
Oct 14 13:18:08 lisa /bsd: carp0: state transition: BACKUP -> MASTER

There's not too much running; smtpd, sshd, npppd, dhcpd. Any suggestions
as to what might be screwing with the carp demote value?


root         1  0.0  0.0   440   520 ??  Is     1:14PM    0:01.01 /sbin/init
root     21696  0.0  0.0  1044  1296 ??  Isp    1:14PM    0:00.00 syslogd: 
[priv] (syslogd)
_syslogd 22103  0.0  0.0  1044  1388 ??  Sp     1:14PM    0:00.07 
_pflogd   5335  0.0  0.0   684   400 ??  Sp     1:14PM    0:00.02 pflogd: 
[running] -s 160 -i pfl
root     27252  0.0  0.0   620   600 ??  Is     1:14PM    0:00.00 pflogd: 
[priv] (pflogd)
_ntp     16170  0.0  0.0   636  1472 ??  Isp    1:14PM    0:00.02 ntpd: dns 
engine (ntpd)
_ntp     15754  0.0  0.0   688  1540 ??  S<sp   1:14PM    0:00.01 ntpd: ntp 
engine (ntpd)
root     24955  0.0  0.0   620  1296 ??  I<sp   1:14PM    0:00.06 
/usr/sbin/ntpd -s
root     11976  0.0  0.0  1824   644 ??  Is     1:14PM    0:00.01 isakmpd: 
monitor [priv] (isakmp
_isakmpd 16824  0.0  0.0  5192  7160 ??  I      1:14PM    0:00.10 /sbin/isakmpd 
_ppp     17359  0.0  0.0  1176  2000 ??  Ss     1:14PM    0:00.02 
root     13701  0.0  0.0   780  1152 ??  Is     1:14PM    0:00.00 npppd: [priv] 
root      4246  0.0  0.0   912  1424 ??  Is     1:14PM    0:00.01 /usr/sbin/sshd
root     31461  0.0  0.0  1672  2132 ??  Isp    1:14PM    0:00.02 
_smtpd   24074  0.0  0.0  1632  3412 ??  Ip     1:14PM    0:00.03 smtpd: pony 
express (smtpd)
_smtpq    7823  0.0  0.0  1672  2344 ??  Ip     1:14PM    0:00.05 smtpd: queue 
_smtpd   12914  0.0  0.0  1676  2412 ??  Ip     1:14PM    0:00.41 smtpd: 
control (smtpd)
_smtpd   22608  0.0  0.0  1580  2232 ??  Ip     1:14PM    0:00.41 smtpd: lookup 
_smtpd   27494  0.0  0.0  1404  2112 ??  Ip     1:14PM    0:18.75 smtpd: 
scheduler (smtpd)
_smtpd   28596  0.0  0.0  1472  2564 ??  Ip     1:14PM    0:00.01 smtpd: 
klondike (smtpd)
root     30494  0.0  0.0 12872  2164 ??  Ss     1:14PM    0:00.00 
/usr/local/sbin/dhcpd em2 em3 v
root     10857  0.0  0.0   368   784 ??  Ssp    1:14PM    0:00.01 
root      7594  0.0  0.0   704  1116 ??  Ssp    1:14PM    0:00.01 /usr/sbin/cron
root     19163  0.0  0.0  3568  3140 ??  Is     1:16PM    0:00.44 sshd: henson 
[priv] (sshd)
henson   25714  0.0  0.0  3584  2432 ??  S      1:16PM    0:00.94 sshd: 
henson@ttyp0 (sshd)
henson   30626  0.0  0.0  1088  2212 ??  Ssp    1:16PM    0:58.86 tmux: server 
henson    6138  0.0  0.0  1376  2452 p0  Is     1:16PM    0:00.02 -bash (bash)
henson   27303  0.0  0.0   872  1884 p0  I+p    1:16PM    0:00.49 tmux: client 
henson   26679  0.0  0.0  1336  2484 p1  Is+    1:16PM    0:00.03 -bash (bash)
henson     480  0.0  0.0  1352  2476 p2  Is+    1:16PM    0:00.02 -bash (bash)
henson   28816  0.0  0.0  1356  2496 p3  Is+    1:16PM    0:00.03 -bash (bash)
henson   23831  0.0  0.0  1352  2480 p4  Is+    1:16PM    0:00.01 -bash (bash)
henson    9011  0.0  0.0  1356  2496 p5  Is+    1:16PM    0:00.02 -bash (bash)
henson   16190  0.0  0.0  1356  2488 p6  Is     1:16PM    0:00.02 -bash (bash)
root     29162  0.0  0.0   636   736 p6  Ip     1:16PM    0:00.02 -ksh (ksh)
root     22915  0.0  0.0  1348  2460 p6  I+     1:16PM    0:00.01 bash henson   
15890  0.0  0.0  1356  2488 p7  Is     1:16PM    0:00.03 -bash
(bash) root     11711  0.0  0.0   636   740 p7  Ip     1:16PM    0:00.01 -ksh
(ksh) root     17721  0.0  0.0  1488  2536 p7  S      1:16PM    0:00.99 bash
root      3673  0.0  0.0   404   432 p7  R+p    1:22PM    0:00.00 ps -aux
root     16091  0.0  0.0   332  1120 01  Is+p   1:14PM    0:00.01 
/usr/libexec/getty std.115200 t
root     26309  0.0  0.0   336  1132 C0  Is+p   1:14PM    0:00.01 
/usr/libexec/getty std.9600 tty
root      7593  0.0  0.0   328  1124 C1  Is+p   1:14PM    0:00.01 
/usr/libexec/getty std.9600 tty
root     19839  0.0  0.0   336  1132 C2  Is+p   1:14PM    0:00.01 
/usr/libexec/getty std.9600 tty
root     18604  0.0  0.0   336  1136 C3  Is+p   1:14PM    0:00.01 
/usr/libexec/getty std.9600 tty
root     23721  0.0  0.0   344  1140 C5  Is+p   1:14PM    0:00.01 
/usr/libexec/getty std.9600 tty

On Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 04:30:21PM -0700, Paul B. Henson wrote:
> I'm setting up a second router that's going to sit next to an existing
> one and become a redundant failover system. The current one is in
> production, and I've been converting some of the existing LAN subnets on it
> to use carp interfaces and making them primary and the new box
> secondary. I also set up a carp interface on the WAN side and made the
> new box primary for testing as that didn't exist before. That all
> worked fine when I set it up by hand, but when I rebooted the new box,
> the old box stayed primary for everything including the WAN interface,
> which I tracked down to the carp demote counter, which ended up at 2 on
> the new box after the reboot:
> bash-4.3# ifconfig -g carp
> carp: carp demote count 2
> After I manually decreased the demote counter by 2 back to 0 the WAN
> interface master switched back to the new box.
> I'm not sure what's doing that at boot? I am running ospfd on the box,
> but I don't have any demote statements in my configuration. I'm also
> running npppd, but I don't see anything about that and carp demotion.
> What else might be setting carp demotion values?
> Thanks...

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