On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 12:18:52AM +0300, Rostislav Krasny wrote:
> You just lose users and popularity.

In this community, your statement has the opposite effect of what it is
trying to achieve. It puts developers off and discourages them from
worrying about your problem.

At any given moment, there are enough problems developers have to worry
about already. Hardware they want to use which does not work yet, new
problems people report in code they've recently changed, chasing new
developments in code they've ported from other projects, new features
they want to implement, etc. etc.; all stacked against limited time.
Worrying about popularity on top of it all would just be distracting.

The mindset here is that if you really want something fixed in OpenBSD,
try to fix it yourself, and then try to share your fix with the rest of us.
That's how, collectively, we produce value, and popularity has nothing to
do with it.

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