Dear Stefan,

Thank you. I guess the first step is to find out a way to ask iwi0
driver to output more details of the error, before it could be fixed.
I don't have prior experiences with the iwi0 driver. Do you know how I
can enable a debugger mode, if there is one?

Yours sincerely,

On 3/2/18, Stefan Sperling <> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 02, 2018 at 12:14:14PM +0000, Xianwen Chen wrote:
>> Dear OpenBSD users,
>> I am running OpenBSD 6.2 i386 on ThinkPad R52. The system has been
>> complaining "iwi0: fatal firmware error" in the past two or three
>> days. I was not aware of the problem before that.
>> The problem can usually be worked around by "ifconfig iwi0 -inet
>> -wpakey -nwkey down" and set it up again. Earlier today, when I was
>> trying to ifconfig iwi0 without setting it down first, the system
>> froze.
>> The strange thing is that I do not see much error message at all,
>> except "iwi0: fatal firmware error". Is there some where I shall look
>> into to find a verbose errror message so that I could post it here to
>> get more help?
>> Yours sincerely,
>> Xianwen
> See

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