I am trying to tighten down some of the permissions for the listening
sockets for various web applications which are chrooted to /var/www. It
appears that httpd (which runs as user www and group www) refuses to
connect to a fastcgi socket unless the socket's user and group are also

(I do realize that MySQL and its fork MariaDB are much more common for
"web" type applications, but they are licensed GPL, whereas PostgreSQL
is released under more of a BSD-style license, so in that respect it
almost seems to be a better "fit" with OpenBSD.)

Anyways, the PostgreSQL socket is normally placed in the /tmp directory,
but an additional directive does allow another socket to be placed
in /var/www/tmp, which really does have to be world readable and
writable with the sticky bit set in order for the user _postgresql to
place the socket there, because PostgreSQL drops privileges before
opening sockets.

In particular I have configured a php-fpm "pool" to listen at
and run as user justina group justina.

Now PostgreSQL can authenticate even a chrooted user by the "peer"
method, because it matches the userid of the connecting process,
although the chrooted user must specify the username together with a
dummy password (which is not used) to connect to the socket inside the
chroot, apparently because there is no access to /etc/passwd
or /etc/group inside the chroot.

The other "pool" which I have listening at
is running as "www:www", but I would also like to drop its priveleges
somewhat from the "www" user which has a tendency to become a little bit
too powerful.

I have listed below some of the "tightened-down" permissions.  Are
there any more ideas to ease this process? Or other security
considerations of which I am not aware?

amarillo# ls -lRd /var/www/run /var/www/tmp
drwxr-xr-x  4 root  daemon  512 May 18 19:28 /var/www/run
drwxrwxrwt  2 root  daemon  512 May 19 21:26 /var/www/tmp
amarillo# ls -lR /var/www/run /var/www/tmp  
total 8
dr-x------  2 www  www  512 May 19 02:46 cgi
dr-x------  3 www  www  512 May 21 21:05 php

total 0
srw-rw----  1 www  www  0 May 19 02:46 slowcgi.sock

total 4
srw-------  1 www  www    0 May 21 21:05 php-fpm.sock
dr-x------  3 www  www  512 May 18 17:27 users

total 4
dr-x------  2 www  www  512 May 21 21:05 justina

total 0
srw-------  1 www  www  0 May 21 21:05 php-fpm.sock

total 4
srwxrwxrwx 1 _postgresql _postgresql  0 May 21 20:49 .s.PGSQL.5432
-rw------- 1 _postgresql _postgresql 56 May 21 20:49 .s.PGSQL.5432.lock

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