Oh yes, maximal psychopathy. While I on the other hand, request a drugtest on both you and Theo De Raadt, probably other involved, and a childporn investigation on difficult parties should also be done.  Linus Diving is indeed a paedophile metaphor. GNU hides theft. Theo is a junkie.

Who do you think you´re fooling? You are obviously in a very intense fantasyworld, where your reply is thought ok. How much of a fairyworld is a pedophiles? Not just pedophiles. Junkie Pedophiles. Who moralize, and even claim to be gods. GNU indeed is from the use of psychedelics where God includes pedophile sex with Richard Stallman. He dances around, in his own world still, believing it is a god. How many psychiatric diagnosises does he have? And how much drugs does he use? Just testing him alone, would say a lot.

Don´t you just wish you just shut up now, Joseph. Because reality called, where you are shit looser.

And your pedophile GNU god is shit looser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtnfFtaKzhk

And your ratgod is shit looser.

You should truly take a good shitting on, in the pits of hell.


Den 7/10/2018 21:42, skrev Joseph Mayer:
"Ywe"/nyt.cloud owner,

I have filed an abuse complaint at www.domainname.shop asking them to
discontinue your domain/email/hosting deal with them, and filed a request for
your domain name at https://rddsrequest.nic.cloud/ .

I have also asked them to not serve you personally in the future as you can be
expected to fall back into harassing open source emailing lists using the
services they provide you.

Your unsolicited emails irritate me immensely and I ask you again to withdraw
from this emailing list. I hope you save community participants the effort of
needing to phone every single emailing host abuse line on this planet to have
you dropped out of here.

I find your actions toxic and shameful. Please choose another outlet than this
emailing list, your spam is not welcome here.


On July 10, 2018 6:57 PM, Email <email@nyt.cloud> wrote:
What does Theo De Raadt mean anyway? God Is The Rat? Ratgod leadership
may indeed take the side of junkie pedophiles.

And we will do with available source regardless of fairyworld ideas of

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