On 2018-08-12, John Long <codeb...@inbox.lv> wrote:
> I don't get why anybody would want transcoding in 2018.  

>> On Sun, 12 Aug 2018 08:42:41 +0000 (UTC)
>> Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> wrote:
>> They don't usually *want* transcoding but are forced to do it by
>> poor codec support on client devices.

Actually I *want* the possibility of transcoding, mostly because lately
I have the luxury of active listening to music only during my daily
commute (public transit + park walking), on a smartphone with in-ear
headphones. In this environment I don't hear much difference between
original 320kbps and transcoded 64kbps mp3s. I am fortunate enough to
have unlimited mobile data plan, but am frequently passing dead spots
and zones with edge transfer speeds which is another reason. Or not,
because I can turn on pre-fetch and caching but still. Having a choice
is good, isn't it?
Before enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.
After  enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.

Marko Cupać

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