Hi all,

last week, I finally got round to re-install my home server with OpenBSD
6.4 (was still on 5.6 - don't ask...). Everything is running smoothly
(and I was quite impressed by all the improvements made - just took me
quite some time to go through all the new docs... ;-) ).

I just have one remaining problem that I have not been able to find a
solution for: tmux. I've been using tmux under OpenBSD 5.6 extensively
(usually via ssh) and never had any issues with it. However, with
OpenBSD 6.4 and its version of tmux, tmux now fails to redraw the screen
properly when paging through files in some applications via ssh. It
works in vi, but in vim and less, lots of characters from previous pages
remain on the screen. Interestingly, it only happens when paging or
jumping (e.g. search) - not when scrolling line by line.

I've been searching around for quite some time and found several old
message "on the net" about similar issues, but have not found a
solution. Has anybody maybe some pointers for me how to investigate/solve this?

Thanks in advance,

                 Thomas Ribbrock    http://www.ribbrock.org/ 
   "You have to live on the edge of reality - to make your dreams come true!"

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