
I have never used the startx command. I use the xinit command together with the ~/.xinitrc file.

Best regards
Freddy Fisker

On Thursday, 31 January 2019 11:57:12 CET, John Ankarström wrote:
trondd <tro...@kagu-tsuchi.com> wrote:
It's not really that complicated.  The bare minimum is to copy your
.xinitrc to .xsession and then just run xenodm on demand with doas.  All
the configs already exist in /etc/X11/xenodm.  Nothing requires you to run
it at startup.

Here's what I've done: ...

Hm. Thank you. This works, except the environment in which I run xenodm is lost. For example, I have ENV=~/.kshrc in my ~/.profile, but this isn't inherited to X11 ... I guess I should add these things to my .xsession, but then I'll have it in two places instead of once.

Only thing I never figured out is how to make X and xenodm shutdown when I
exit my window manager.

This too makes me feel like xenodm is far too complex for what I want.

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