Hello thar,
Seems no one else wanted to help you. I'm not surprised, this isn't
really the place to ask "can someone please explain NAT to me?" but
here you go anyway:

Wait, so you have two connections to the external internet? I don't
think you need

You should set it up with the server behind the OpenBSD box: <----> <--NAT-->

The first connection is simply connecting the server and the router
together physically with an Ethernet cable or whatever. I assume you
already have this set up (or at least know how to) since you say that
you already have an internal IP

To set up the NAT portion, edit /etc/pf.conf and add a line like:
nat on $ext_if from any to any port N -> port N
where N is the port of the the server you're running. I believe, if
you simply want to point all incoming connections from outside to the
internal server (though I have no idea why you'd do that, and it could
expose the internal server to being attacked) you can leave off the
port directive.

Next time, read pf.conf(5). http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi is
a good URL, you should memorize it.


On 2/12/06, Zia Khan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear friends,
>   My server's private IP is and i have public IP
>   This server is behind the open BSD NAT. Open BSD's external IP is 
> and internal IP is
>   I want to map my servers Internal IP to public IP 
>   What should be done in Open BSD.
>   Also what should be done on the server i want to make it accessible on 
> internet.
>   Thanks
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