On 7/16/19 4:13 AM, Jonathan Drews wrote:
On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 08:06:20AM +0000, Roderick wrote:

At this point, I am going to look for another printer that is more
OpenBSD friendly. My Desjet 6940 is pretty old and the cartridges
cost a lot (> USD $120.00)

Kind regards,

I may just be a luddite, but after wasting multiple days messing around
with cups, ghostscript, hplip et al, I decided it was just easier to
print everything via postscript.

My printing "workflow" is quite rudimentary, but it has yet to fail me.
I set up a simple lpd server on my desktop pointing to my Brother
printer, from which I can print raw .txt, pdf or postscript files
directly via lpr/lpd. If I find myself needing to print a file that
isn't in one of these formats, I simply convert them to that format

If I need to print a .doc or .odt file, I just open them in LibreOffice
and export them to pdf, which can then be printed via lpr. (As an aside,
LibreOffice supports rendering pages to postscript and printing them
directly as it seems to detect my lpd setup and offers "Generic Printer"
as an option, allowing me to print directly from within LibreOffice.)

This solution doesn't offer the convenience of automagically converting
arbitrary file formats to PCL or whatever the printer format of the day
is, but it works for me without having to have add a ridiculous number
of packages and configs.

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