On 2019-07-24, Scott Seekamp <compli...@risei.net> wrote:
> On 23.07.2019 16:16, Theo de Raadt wrote:
>> Todd C. Miller <todd.mil...@sudo.ws> wrote:
>> On Tue, 23 Jul 2019 13:42:28 -0600, Scott Seekamp wrote:
>> I tested by: 
>> - unplugging the sensor 
>> - changing /etc/ttys 
>> - kill -HUP 1 
>> - plugging sensor in and waiting 30 seconds 
>> - check sysctl output for data 
>> You need to run "ttyflags ttyU0" instead of sending a HUP to init.
>> If the cua device works I would expect that setting the local flag
>> in /etc/ttys for ttyU0 would be sufficient.
> That is what I suspect also.
> But that doesn't seem right.  Something is wrong.  Internal cabling
> error? 
> Thanks Todd and Theo (again!). 
> I redid my tests using "ttyflags ttyU0" instead of HUP'ing init. Same
> response. 
> I found a few other folks with what looks to be the same device putting
> the dial out device in as well so it does seem to be more than just my
> unit. The cable is non-removable on the device so there's not much to
> work with there. 
> If anyone is curious the device I have is: 
> https://www.ebay.com/itm/USB-GPS-Receiver-Module-Antenna-Output-USB-Global-4M-FLASH-1-5m-BN-82U-GLONASS/273794727010?hash=item3fbf6ffc62:g:kmIAAOSw4~1cp097
> Chipset manufacturer: 
> https://www.u-blox.com/en/product/ubx-m8030-series#tab-document-resources
> I can start the ldattach process outside of /etc/ttys so this isn't a
> critical issue, just a curiosity. Much appreciate the response and if
> there's other information I can provide please let me know.
> Thanks
> Scott

What line do you have in /etc/ttys?

The example in ldattach(8) would normally be expected to work OK even on
a device that doesn't have control lines working properly (some of the
USB RS232 adapters don't) ..

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