Lyndon Nerenberg <> wrote:

> Theo de Raadt writes:
> > Disagree on this.
> >
> > Those programs are intentionally not in the path, since you don't
> > run them by hand.
> That's what I was getting at.  It's not clear they are 'libexec's.
> That's what confuses people.  I just thought this might be a way
> to make it clear(er) that you don't run these directly, but that
> they are invoked by other things.

Which people does it confuse?

> I.e. it's easy to explain the concept of /usr/libexec to people
> once, so they recognize it when they see the path spelled out.  But
> when we're bringing in people from Linux, their first reaction upon
> not finding the documented command is to start installing packages
> from hell to breakfast until something works.  From an indoctrination
> standpoint, there's a lot less pain (and cleanup work) if they know
> right away that /usr/libexec/foo(8) is not something you run from
> the shell.

They are installing packages for a command that has a manual page
already?  Look I really doubt that is happening.

> I won't push this any further, but experience shows this change
> really helps guide people into the BSD filesystem hierarchy
> conventions.

We do not include paths in SYNOPSIS, because it isn't important
(and in some cases, it would be dangerous to do so)

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