
I'm looking to set up redundant firewalls in pretty much the same way as is detailed in the PF FAQ. For discussion purposes, I've reproduced the
basic network layout below.

         +----| WAN/Internet |----+
         |                        |
      em2|                        |em2
      +-----+                  +-----+
      | fw1 |-em1----------em1-| fw2 |
      +-----+                  +-----+
      em0|                        |em0
         |                        |
      ---+-------Shared LAN-------+---
              |              |
              |              |
           +-----+        +-----+
           | sv1 |        | sv2 |
           +-----+        +-----+

Firewall External IP addresses nat'ed to sv1 with fw1 being the master nat'ed to sv2 with fw2 being the master

Firewall Internal IP addresses with fw1 being the master with fw2 being the master

Now with sv1's default route being set to and sv2's default route being set to all should work fine (at least as far as documentation goes). However, what I'd like to do is have both sv1 and sv2 use both and for routing in a round-robin fashion. With fw1 handling sv1's nat'ing, will fw2 correctly be able to un'nat and send out replies sent by sv1?

I'm aware that there'll be a small race between fw2 processing fw1's pfsync state change notification and the reply coming from sv1. That should be handleable by using priority queues and always bumping pfsync traffic to the top of the list. Are there any other possible gotchas or reasons why this might not work?

Thanks in advance.

Jason Stubbs

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