On Fri, Sep 06, 2019 at 08:55:10PM +0200, Andreas Kusalananda Kähäri wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 06, 2019 at 11:39:06PM +0500, JohnS wrote:
> > Hi, all!
> > 
> > Why next construction doesn't work?
> > 
> > read x; while [ "$x" != [abc] ]; do echo "Not a, b or c"; break; done
> > 
> > I tried many variants but can't make it work. Moreover I don't understand 
> > WHY it
> > doesn't work?!
> > 
> > Thanks!
> The shells in the OpenBSD base system do not support matching regular
> expressions with that syntax.  You may have been thinking of bash,
>     while [[ ! $x =~ [abc] ]]; do ...; done
> Or, in ksh,
>     while [[ $x != [abc] ]]; do ...; done
> Here however, [abc] is not a regular expression, but a filename globbing
> pattern, and the test will test for equality rather than trying to match
> a substring (as would be the case with a regular expression match).

"equality" was not quite what I meant. It would test for a match against
the whole of $x, as any globbing pattern would do, rather than a
substring of $x, as a regular expression would do. I.e., the bash code
above tests whether $x *contains* a, b, or c, while the ksh code beneath
it tests whether $x *is* a, b or c (and then the result of the test is

> Note that this test requries [[ ... ]] rather than [ ... ].  See the
> ksh(1) manual.    

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