Ted Unangst wrote on 13.11.2019 8.52:
Tero Koskinen wrote:
Eventually I pinned the problem down to April 14/15:

FAULTY 091f8f6587f dlg  Mon Apr 15 02:59:41 2019 +0000  the myx_cmd
FAULTY 1bbcb699ab8 dlg  Mon Apr 15 00:28:29 2019 +0000  there's a bunch
PROBLEM! 7f4dd37977d jsg  Sun Apr 14 10:14:50 2019 +0000  Update shared
drm code
OK     505701c75b3 visa Sun Apr 14 08:51:31 2019 +0000  Add lock

I must admit that I don't have yet any idea how to fix
the problematic commit (or what is actually wrong there).

This is not too surprising. It's still a bit of a mystery what's different
between machines that behave fine and those that don't.

I have the same machine, and it's never been problematic.

I note I'm at the same old bios I had when I first purchased it.
bios0: vendor LENOVO version "N23ET61W (1.36 )" date 01/17/2019

Note that my device is a desktop computer (Dell Optiplex 990)
with ultra small form factor (USFF) case - not Thinkpad or other laptop.

Otherwise I don't mind if fan or cpu is running at 100%, but
I am worried about the temperature. Idle 70C and 80+ C in
use temperatures will kill the device sooner or later (small case,
not so good ventilation).

Otto Moerbeek wrote on 13.11.2019 8.25:
> If you run top -S, do you see any process taking lots of CPU?

Nothing suspicious. I have some daemons, but they are mostly idle.

load averages: 0.06, 0.03, 0.00 gurb.koti 16:45:10 104 processes: 102 idle, 2 on processor up 0:28 CPU0 states: 0.0% user, 0.0% nice, 0.0% sys, 0.0% spin, 0.0% intr, 100% idle CPU1 states: 0.0% user, 0.0% nice, 0.0% sys, 0.0% spin, 0.0% intr, 100% idle CPU2 states: 0.0% user, 0.0% nice, 0.0% sys, 0.0% spin, 0.0% intr, 100% idle CPU3 states: 0.0% user, 0.0% nice, 0.0% sys, 0.0% spin, 0.0% intr, 100% idle
Memory: Real: 322M/1296M act/tot Free: 2542M Cache: 587M Swap: 0K/8189M

24353 root     -22    0    0K   11M sleep/3   -        28:19  0.00% idle3
38595 root     -22    0    0K   11M sleep/2   -        28:15  0.00% idle2
28685 root     -22    0    0K   11M sleep/1   -        28:13  0.00% idle1
29534 root     -22    0    0K   11M sleep/0   -        28:12  0.00% idle0
43437 _gitea    10    0  129M   73M onproc/3  thrslee   0:04  0.00% gitea
20526 root      10    0    0K   11M sleep/0   bored     0:01  0.00% softnet
    0 root     -18    0    0K   11M sleep/0   schedul   0:01  0.00% swapper
93389 root -22 0 0K 11M sleep/0 bored 0:01 0.00% softclock
66152 root      10    0    0K   11M sleep/2   bored     0:01  0.00% systqmp
    1 root      10    0  476K  444K idle      wait      0:01  0.00% init
83453 root      10    0    0K   11M idle      bored     0:01  0.00% drmwq
49657 root      10    0    0K   11M idle      bored     0:01  0.00% drmwq
61541 root      10    0    0K   11M idle      usbatsk   0:01  0.00% usbatsk
51529 root      10    0    0K   11M idle      bored     0:01  0.00% drmlwq
 9367 root      10    0    0K   11M idle      bored     0:01  0.00% drmubwq
64175 root     -18    0    0K   11M idle      bored     0:01  0.00% smr
 2195 root      10    0    0K   11M idle      bored     0:01  0.00% crynlk
72222 root      10    0    0K   11M idle      bored     0:01  0.00% drmtskl
 2429 root      10    0    0K   11M idle      bored     0:01  0.00% drmlwq
38115 root      10    0    0K   11M idle      bored     0:01  0.00% drmubwq
40710 root     -18    0    0K   11M sleep/1   reaper    0:01  0.00% reaper
58981 root 68 20 0K 11M idle pgzero 0:01 0.00% zerothread 18061 www 2 0 22M 27M sleep/1 select 0:01 0.00% python2.7
29049 tkoskine  28    0 1504K 3624K onproc/0  -         0:00  0.00% top
77959 _unbound   2    0   33M   26M sleep/1   kqread    0:00  0.00% unbound
2955 www 2 0 17M 21M sleep/0 select 0:00 0.00% python2.7 45267 www 2 0 13M 17M sleep/0 select 0:00 0.00% python2.7
 5164 tkoskine   2    0 2128K 3068K sleep/0   kqread    0:00  0.00% tmux
63466 root       2    0 1456K 4152K idle      poll      0:00  0.00% sshd
63357 _nsd       2    0   99M   83M idle      kqread    0:00  0.00% nsd
92852 root      18    0    0K   11M sleep/0   syncer    0:00  0.00% update
48008 root       2    0 1616K 2044K sleep/0   poll      0:00  0.00% smbd
25978 root       2    0  800K  600K idle      kqread    0:00  0.00% slaacd
95670 _nsd       2    0   32M   32M idle      poll      0:00  0.00% nsd
36212 root      10    0    0K   11M idle      bored     0:00  0.00% i915
75047 root -22 0 0K 11M idle schto 0:00 0.00% i915/signal:2 53280 root -22 0 0K 11M idle schto 0:00 0.00% i915/signal:1 28187 root 10 0 0K 11M idle bored 0:00 0.00% i915-userptr-acq 78907 root -22 0 0K 11M idle schto 0:00 0.00% i915/signal:0 43975 root 10 0 0K 11M idle bored 0:00 0.00% i915_modeset
36920 root      10    0    0K   11M idle      bored     0:00  0.00% i915-dp
36071 root     -13    0    0K   11M idle      cleaner   0:00  0.00% cleaner
29469 root       2    0 1356K 1444K idle      select    0:00  0.00% sshd
31392 _smtpq     2    0 1736K 4296K idle      kqread    0:00  0.00% smtpd
29864 root       2    0 1704K 5052K idle      poll      0:00  0.00% smbd
 2827 root       2    0  552K 2236K idle      netio     0:00  0.00% syslogd
75797 _postgre   2    0  144M 4620K sleep/0   poll      0:00  0.00% postgres
72486 root       2    0 1788K 2100K idle      kqread    0:00  0.00% smtpd
22450 _sndio     2  -20  456K  812K idle      poll      0:00  0.00% sndiod
48589 _postgre   2    0  145M 4076K idle      poll      0:00  0.00% postgres
38159 _postgre   2    0  144M   13M idle      select    0:00  0.00% postgres
 8193 tkoskine   2    0 1380K 2912K sleep/0   select    0:00  0.00% sshd
50383 _ntp       2  -20 1024K 2872K sleep/0   poll      0:00  0.00% ntpd
 6750 root       3    0  332K 1304K idle      ttyin     0:00  0.00% getty
97446 root       2    0 1448K 4044K idle      poll      0:00  0.00% sshd
72553 _postgre   2    0  145M 4328K idle      poll      0:00  0.00% postgres
88574 root       2    0 1388K 2296K idle      kqread    0:00  0.00% httpd
33236 _smtpd     2    0 1472K 3948K idle      kqread    0:00  0.00% smtpd
58501 _pflogd    4    0  892K  580K sleep/1   bpf       0:00  0.00% pflogd
66286 root       2    0 1488K 2416K sleep/0   poll      0:00  0.00% nmbd
73168 _smtpd     2    0 1668K 4156K idle      kqread    0:00  0.00% smtpd

gurb:~:16$ systat -b uvm

2 users Load 0.00 0.02 0.00 (1-21 of 31) gurb.koti 16:47:07

 ===== Page Counters        ===== Stats Counters       ===== Fault Counters
982460 npages              908312 FAULTS                     fltnoram
649976 free                536997 TRAPS                      fltnoanon
 82520 active              221075 intrs                      fltnoamap
 76039 inactive            700033 swtch                      fltpgwait
       paging              195524 softs                      fltpgrele
     5 wired                1331K SYSCALLS            121071 fltrelck
 83884 zeropages                  pageins             120874 fltrelckok
     4 reserve_pagedaemon         pgswapin            533653 FLTANGET
     6 reserve_kernel             pgswapout                  fltanretry
                              816 forks               132172 fltamcopy
 ===== Pageout Params           5 forks_ppwait         16017 fltnamap
 32748 freemin                 92 forks_sharevm       151031 FLTNOMAP
 43664 freetarg            225538 pga_zerohit         179414 FLTLGET
       inactarg             69498 pga_zeromiss        121071 fltget
327486 wiredmax                                       514974 FLT_ANON
    25 anonmin              ===== Daemon Counters      18679 flt_acow
    12 vtextmin                   pdwoke              164983 FLT_OBJ
    25 vnodemin                   pdrevs               14234 flt_prcopy
    10 anonminpct                 pdswout             195423 flt_przero
     5 vtextminpct                swpgonly
    10 vnodeminpct                pdfreed              ===== Swap Counters
                                  pdscans                  1 nswapdev
 ===== Misc Counters              pdanscan             2047K swpages
       fpswtch                    pdobscan                   swpginuse
    11 kmapent                    pdreact                    nswget
 ===== Constants                  pdpageouts
  4096 pagesize                   pdpending
  4095 pagemask                   pddeact
    12 pageshift
gurb:~:17$ systat -b cpu

2 users Load 0.00 0.01 0.00 gurb.koti 16:47:20 CPU User Nice System Spin Interrupt Idle 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 2 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 3 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
gurb:~:18$ uptime
 4:47PM  up 31 mins, 2 users, load averages: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00


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