On 24/12/19 12:51 pm, Edgar Pettijohn wrote:
> On Dec 23, 2019 4:42 PM, rgci...@disroot.org wrote:
>> December 24, 2019 4:42 AM, "Dumitru Moldovan" <du...@gmx.com> wrote:
>> one thing that is useful is sysclean(8)
>> my process now after a doas sysupgrade is
>> 1) doas sysclean; and review the output
>> 2) vise /etc/sysclean.ignore; so that sysclean ignores special files i 
>> created
> Just wanted to emphasize step 2 above or else you will delete stuff you 
> shouldn't.

Yes, I just installed it, and ran it through `tee` so I could review the
delete list before I passed it to `rm` (and manually edit it).  There
were a few configuration directories in `/etc` for non-base stuff (e.g.
`collectd`'s password file, `vpnc`, etc) that I had to prune out and add
to /etc/sysclean.ignore.

That put a dint in the used space:
> sjl-router# df -h
> Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/sd0a      129M   77.8M   44.6M    64%    /
> /dev/sd0k      472M   28.0K    448M     0%    /home
> /dev/sd0d      198M   50.0K    188M     0%    /tmp
> /dev/sd0f      2.3G    1.2G   1022M    55%    /usr
> /dev/sd0h      2.1G    324M    1.6G    16%    /usr/local
> /dev/sd0j      1.3G    2.0K    1.2G     0%    /usr/obj
> /dev/sd0i      1.0G    2.0K    974M     0%    /usr/src
> /dev/sd0e      209M   73.2M    125M    37%    /var

I can understand the update tool being conservative about what it
deletes, who knows what is linked to those .so files without scanning
each and every ELF binary?  (hello Gentoo revdep-rebuild!)  Keeping them
there is definitely the KISS approach.

I'm just re-running `syspatch` to see if I can get the remainder of the
patches in.  If this fails, I might see if I can dig up some docs on how
this disklabel and ffs stuff works and see if I can teach `gparted`
about it.  Something tells me it's not the complicated mess that LVM2
is, and it handles that just fine.

Many thanks all.
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...
  ...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.

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