On 02 Mar 2020, Vincenzo Nicosia wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 02, 2020 at 10:50:53AM +0000, Anthony Campbell wrote:
> [cut]
> > 
> > 
> > Well, I finally "solved" the problem by the simple expedient of just
> > deleting the printer in Cups and reinstalling it from scratch. It
> > then worked perfectly without doing anything else.  Here is the
> > resulting /etc/cups/printers.conf:
> > 
> > # Printer configuration file for CUPS v2.3.1
> > # Written by cupsd on 2020-03-02 09:54
> > NextPrinterId 3
> > <DefaultPrinter Brother_HL-5350DN_series>
> > PrinterId 2
> > UUID urn:uuid:795e4424-0458-3f6d-413a-1669af7e997e
> > Info Brother HL-5350DN series
> > Location 
> > MakeModel Brother HL-5350DN BR-Script3
> > DeviceURI lpd://brother/BINARY_P1
> It was not just about "turn it off and on again" :) In your previous
> configuration file you had the printer on "socket://" without a port
> specified. Now it's configured as an lpd spooler. So there is an
> important difference there ;)
> (just to reaffirm that re-staring, re-booting, re-configuring,
> re-whatevering do no magic on their own :P).

Yes, I'd earlier deleted and reinstalled cups, which I'd assumed
would automatically involve reinstalling the printer, but evidently

The reason for the "socket://" stuff in the previous configuration
file was that this seemed to be necssary in my two laptops (running
-release) so I tried it in the desktop (-current) as well.

After successfully deleting/reinstallin the printer on the desktop
this morning I did the same on the laptops and in both cases the
printer now works perfectly with lpd on those as well.

The only explanation I can think of is that last night I'd
changed the printer's IP address from dhcpd to fixed, as suggested by
someone on another list.


Anthony Campbell                        https://www.acampbell.uk

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