Groot <> wrote:

> I've tried and failed to create more than 16
> partitions on OpenBSD. First of all I don't
> understand the difference between the operations
> performed by fdisk and disklabel. Is it that 
> OpenBSD sees partitions differently? First we 
> create an OpenBSD partition with fdisk and then 
> with disklabel we can create at the most 16 more
> filesystem partitions within it. 
> But if I want more than 16 filesystem partitions 
> on a single disk naturally I try to create more 
> fdisk partitions and then within it lay more fs-
> partitions. When I try that OpenBSD doesn't 
> recognize those partitions and I can't even run 
> 'newfs' on those partitions. Is there a way for 
> OpenBSD to deal with more than 16 partitions?

Sorry, there is no way.

You can create a vnd, on a file, and then that vnd can contain
partitions.  But it might suck.

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