I got mixed feelings...

This list seems very cherry-picked from people with a predetermined
disliking of OpenBSD. If you check out the mitigations tab, you won't be
able to find anything new or undocumented there. It looks like we as a
community triggered a guy who retaliated by key-smashing together a
rather nonconstructive criticism of OpenBSD's security and code
development process. At 17, I might not be experienced enough for my
opinion to count very much, but this seems like bait to make people
angry rather than a security effort worth mentioning. The difference
between security researchers and that guy IMO is that researchers help
fix the problems, that guy only points the problems out. We got a bully
on our hands here.

To any OpenBSD developers reading this, you rock! Keep up the good work.


On 5/7/20 4:00 PM, i...@aulix.com wrote:
> Dear OpenBSD fans,
> Can you please comment negative appraisal from the following website:
> https://isopenbsdsecu.re/quotes/
> I did not want to hurt anyone, just looking for a secure OS and OpenBSD 
> looked very nice to me before I have found this website.
> Kind Regards

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