Hey Ingo,

I think your example is a good example of people asking a question that doesn´t 
get carried over as a "go, do work dev". That is pretty ok I think. Asking 
about any future plans is a difference to demanding something/asking misc to 
implement stuff. For example, I had some serious issues getting wi-fi to work 
on several notebooks but asking misc why wi-fi isn´t working and if someone 
could actually solve the issue was no option to me, simply because I couldn´t 
even nail down where the actual issue was except for "driver problems and/or 
card not recognised". So I tried to get to a level where I gathered enough 
informations to ask a proper question. Now the problem is solved so my wi-fi 
issues are gone for good. :) 

Have a nice day and stay healthy. 


Always exit with 42 to return the answer.

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Thursday, 21. May 2020 01:43, Ingo Schwarze <schwa...@usta.de> wrote:

> Hi Chris,

> Chris Bennett wrote on Wed, May 20, 2020 at 02:07:27PM -0400:

> > Do the work, a WIP is OK and submit a diff.

> Not a bad idea, put your fingers where your mouth is!

> > Please don't ask for features, once again.
> > Really, I mean it. Don't ask for features!

> I disagree.

> About one third of the THANKS section of mandoc(1) release notes
> typically consists of thanking people who asked for features.

> Heck, i have even used presentations at international conferences
> to thank people who asked for features.

> As an example, i still fondly remember Paul Onyschuk's question
> on August 9, 2014:

> "Are there any plans for providing a man(1) command also? This
> would make mdocml a possible, standalone replacement for the groff
> and man-db combination (typical in Linux distributions)."

> My first impulse was to reply "no, i dislike that idea".
> Then i reconsidered, and less then three weeks later, it was done.
> Nowadays, i could no longer imagine living without it.

> For details, see pages 40-44 (marked SURPRISE TOPIC) of these slides:

> https://www.openbsd.org/papers/eurobsdcon2014-mandoc-slides.pdf

> The "thank you" mention in particular is on page 43.

> Yours,
> Ingo

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