You are in luck.
-current has an openafs port.
It contains a script to setup a single server cell.
OpenBSD also comes with arla in the base system which allows
for easy setup for clients.


Richard Chesler: [Reading a piece of paper] The first rule of Fight Club is you 
don't talk about Fight Club?
Narrator: [Voice-over] I'm half asleep again; I must've left the original in 
the copy machine.
Richard Chesler: The second rule of Fight Club - is this yours?
Narrator: Huh?
Richard Chesler: Pretend you're me, make a managerial decision: you find this, 
what would you do?

On Sat, 25 Feb 2006, Bruno Carnazzi wrote:

Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2006 15:54:48 +0400
From: Bruno Carnazzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: misc <>
Subject: OpenBSD's AFS informations

  Hi misc,

I come to you because my enterprise will need some distributed file
system in the mounths to come. We need to distribute a big file system
between 2 main sites, accessed by multiples clients spreaded across
differents sites. A client is nearly always a thinclient running RDP
to some TSE cluster for office'ing. We got 1 TSE farm on each main
site. And a file server on each site too (actually a HS20 blade
running Windows 2003). We do not synchronize these file server, which
make them fault-untolerant. Each contains user profiles & documents.
The Microsoft solution, DFS, seems ok but I'd like to know if AFS
could be smartly used in that case. So, I'd like to know if OpenBSD's
AFS could do the following (I assume that our actual file servers are
replaced by OpenBSD AFS cells) :
 * Gently synchronize/distribute 2 physical file servers in 1 logical
file server (real time is not needed)
Yes, replication allows multiple readonly copies. Releasing is the sync process between the readwrite, and readonly clones.
 * Does it scale well (new AFS cells, new clients) ?
It scales extremely well, and is used by IBM, Intel, and many other Universities on a large scales. (dozens of servers, and hundreds of clients)
 >  * Does it support a quota mechnism ?
Yes. Quotas are enforced on each volume.
 * Implementation and Administration cost (we are 2 bright guys :) ?
It's free. :D
 * What about the file permissions ? Is that Windows 2k3-friendly (ACL) ?
It has acls that are very friendly. Win32 port fully supports local disk cache, and acls. As well as a very nice administration gui.
 * Why OpenBSD devs re-writed an AFS instead of reusing OpenAFS ?
We did not rewrite it. We just happen to have arla in our base.
Arla was a freeware solution, before IBM opensourced Afs.
Our port IS OpenAFS.
 * Integration with ActiveDirectory for authentication ?
I am not sure about ActiveDirectory, but I have seen backend authentication to KerberosV, and ldap domains.
 * Recovery of a lost cell ?
Fairly simple to restore a Cell if you have all the database files, and
volumes backuped somewhere.

Wow... Hard work to come :)
cd /usr/ports/net/openafs && make install

Best regards,


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