Why 42? The lists account. <li...@y42.org> wrote:

> On Sun, Sep 27, 2020 at 04:25:58PM -0400, Ian Darwin wrote:
> > > ...
> > > after the download of the new sets and the reboot, I would have been
> > > prompted as to what to do i.e. Install, Upgrade, or Shell.  Then for a
> > > keyboard layout (e.g. de) and for the name of the disk containing OpenBSD
> > > (i.e. the system root partition) or "/").
> > 
> > Something is wwrong here. That is not how sysupgrade works. Probably you
> > didn't install updated boot blocks and it has been failing to "switch
> > to bsd.upgrade" when rebooting after the download, and your latest
> > change installed the updated boot blocks, and now it is working.
> I am not sure about that.

Your system is layed out strangely and sysupgrade cannot handle all
absurd layouts.

You can go back to manual upgrades.  Or you can reinstall your system
to look more normal.

sysupgrade cannot handle strange setups.  By the time we started
building it, there weren't enough free bytes left in bsd.rd to
embed an AI to come with the crazy shit people do.

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