On Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 02:39:25PM -0800, Bryan Wright wrote:
Because, there is no guarantee that the drives will be loaded in a given order 
on boot, there would be little benefit in changing the example.  If the entire 
page is read, everything should be clear enough, but if anything were to be 
done, perhaps there could be a reminder within each subsection to verify the 
disk with ‘sysctl hw.disknames’ and ‘disklabel’.

Having a reminder to verify disks is the fix I had in mind. Unfortunately there are a lot of slightly out of date guides to setting up OpenBSD on a laptop out there. They are extremely valuable but to set up FDE I had to reference the official FAQ, due to subtle changes since the older guides were written.

The section of the FAQ on FDE therefore seems likely to be read by people who are not starting at the top of the page and reading the whole thing.

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