Ah, I understand. I can't seem to find the protocol that Tmux uses.
The pipe-pain command might work, though.

On 3/25/21, Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> wrote:
> For the installer, honestly I think the only sane way is to drive it
> from another OS with an existing screen reader via serial console.
> If Fenrir uses a terminal emulator library itself then it maybe possible
> to get it to work with tmux, at least in a single window. It has a
> "pipe-pane" command that sends the terminal output, including escape
> sequences, to a process. It's normally used for logging but maybe
> Fenrir could read input that way and using its terminal emulator
> build up its own idea of what should be, so to say, on screen.
> See Theo's comment about the RFC 1692 TMux protocol, that is unrelated.
> On 2021/03/25 17:23, Ethin Probst wrote:
>> If the tmux server uses the TMux protocol as described in RFC 1692, it
>> (theoretically) shouldn't be too difficult to build a screen driver
>> that can interact with it. The pty module uses the pyte terminal
>> emulator library, so we might even be able to subclass the `Screen`
>> class it exposes to make it easier. I'm not sure though.
>> I'm a blind user myself, but this might not be easy in general. My
>> original idea was to take the installer and make calls to espeak-ng
>> for speech synthesis. It wouldn't provide full keyboard handling and
>> all that, but it would at least speak the prompts. The problem is that
>> I have no idea how well that'd work.
>> On 3/25/21, Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> wrote:
>> > On 2021-03-23, Ethin Probst <harlydavid...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> Apologies if this is unnecessary sending of this, but I sent this to
>> >> the tech OpenBSD mailing list (which might've not been the right list)
>> >> so I'm re-sending it to this one just in case. (It might've gotten
>> >> lost too.) The original email is below:
>> >
>> > It did go through but I think the problem is that nobody has a good
>> > answer.
>> >
>> >> So I've really wanted to try OpenBSD in a non-server configuration
>> >> where I'm not installing over the internet on a remote server but on
>> >> the local machine, but to my knowledge the OpenBSD installation media
>> >> has no accessibility functionality whatsoever. (I'm not even sure if
>> >> the installed system or any of the packages therein, such as in the
>> >> ports collection, contains accessibility software.)
>> >>
>> >> Therefore, I'm wondering what it would take to add accessibility to
>> >> the console portion of OpenBSD to begin with, as that as the simplest
>> >> interface at the moment. The Orca screen reader may work on the
>> >> desktop. There's a screen reader for the Linx console called
>> >> Fenrir[1], but it may require functionality that is not available in
>> >> OpenBSD, such as libevent. I've yet to try loading Fenrir on an
>> >> installed OpenBSD system.
>> >>
>> >> Thoughts as to how this all could be achieved? I'm looking particular
>> >> at screen readers; braille displays can be accomplished through
>> >> something like brltty.
>> >
>> > libevent is not a problem, dozens of programs in the OpenBSD base
>> > system use it already. The problem for Fenrir is that it can't read
>> > the contents of the system console display, the OpenBSD kernel
>> > doesn't have a way to do this.
>> >
>> > It might not be difficult to add a simple implementation of this,
>> > but the challenge is doing it safely, especially around permissions and
>> > access controls. Obviously a lot of care would be needed if it was to
>> > become part of OpenBSD itself, screen contents are often sensitive.
>> >
>> > BRLTTY sidesteps this by not working with the system console on
>> > OpenBSD.
>> > It relies on a patched old version of GNU Screen that makes the
>> > contents of the buffer available over shared memory.
>> > Obviously this isn't ideal but it's all we have for now.
>> >
>> > BRLTTY isn't just for Braille terminals, it does have some
>> > text-to-speech features too, though I have no idea how well that
>> > works in practice, I guess it will be primitive compared to
>> > dedicated screen reader software, but maybe still useful.
>> > I am not certain that the text-to-speech actually works in the
>> > OpenBSD port though. At least basic functionality worked about
>> > 2 years ago (I tested it with the X 'test' driver when working
>> > on the screen-shm port).
>> >
>> > So, thinking about what else could be done. It might be possible to
>> > modify Fenrir to interface with screen-shm like BRLTTY does. It
>> > wouldn't
>> > give full system console access but still better than nothing.
>> >
>> > A more modern way would be to find a way to interface with tmux
>> > instead.
>> > Still no direct system console access, but at least it's in the base
>> > OS, it already deals with sharing access between login sessions,
>> > and would be portable to many OS. And the basic tmux design with
>> > separate client/server processes that communicate with each other
>> > is a much better fit for doing this than GNU Screen which is a
>> > single program.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> Signed,
>> Ethin D. Probst

Ethin D. Probst

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