
You need to increase max open files in /etc/login.conf and using sysctl
kern.maxfiles. The second will be lost after reboot unless you set it on
You can get a number of files that fits your need or just get a high number
like 10000 or 15000 and it might work for you.
Someone here on misc@ can explain the consequences of increasing these
numbers better than me.


Em dom., 18 de abr. de 2021 às 10:36, Hakan E. Duran <ehakandu...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> Disclaimer: I am quite new to OpenBSD and did not build a reasonable
> comfort level yet.
> I am not sure when this broke but when I use the nextcloud client on my
> OpenBSD laptop to connect my server which is a debian VM, I get the
> following error:
> (process:60951): GLib-ERROR **: 09:10:54.145: Creating pipes for GWakeup:
> Too many open files
> Trace/BPT trap (core dumped)
> The Nextcloud folder in my home directory is also not present.
> It used to work fine a while ago. Of note, I upgraded the server in the
> meantime, which still works with linux and android clients without issues
> at this time. I can provide the core dump if you think it would help.
> Specs:
> Server:
> Debian 10.0 Buster
> Postgresql 11.11
> Php: 7.3.27
> Nextcloud version: 20.0.8
> Client:
> The latest client for OpenBSD. `nextcloud --version` outputs the following:
> QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-user'
> Nextcloud version 3.0.1git
> Git revision 0a62628f8a8d92527240435c74c4fb9ffaa46e53
> Using Qt 5.13.2, built against Qt 5.13.2
> Using Qt platform plugin 'xcb'
> Using 'LibreSSL 3.2.2'
> Running on OpenBSD 6.8, x86_64
> Any pointers will be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Hakan
> --
> Hakan E. Duran <ehakandu...@gmail.com>
> --
Adriano Barbosa
Sent from my phone. Sorry for typos.

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