On 2021-05-07, Bastien Durel <bast...@durel.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have multiple ISPs plugged on my OpenBSD box, each one providing its
> IPv6 address space.
> I used to route outgoing streams with :
> net2_if = pppoe0 
> ovh_v6_router = "(" $net2_if fe80::230:88ff:fe04:63c9 ")"
> ovh_v6_prefix = "2001:41d0:fe4b:ec00::0/56"
> table <internal6> const { $ovh_v6_prefix, $free_v6_prefix, $ripe_v6_prefix }
> pass out on $net_if from $ovh_v6_prefix to !<internal6> route-to 
> $ovh_v6_router
> pass out on $tun_ifs from $ovh_v6_prefix to !<internal6> route-to 
> $ovh_v6_router

This is no longer valid syntax for route-to. Check the 6.9 upgrade notes.

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