On Tue, 20 Jul 2021 at 13:00, Theo de Raadt <dera...@openbsd.org> wrote:
> The following diff will help the most common cases.  netstart will pause
> a little bit until at least one (v4 or v6) default route is installed.
> In the most common cases, this is immediate.  In the dynamic cases, the
> delay is probably enough.  We don't need to solve all potential problems..

In my test, on one machine, this did not pause long enough to bring up
the hostname.wg0 interface.

I see this in dmesg:
pf enabled
starting network
ifconfig: no address associated with name

kern.version=OpenBSD 6.9-current (GENERIC.MP) #138: Wed Jul 21 00:57:06 MDT 2021

Maybe the patch above fixes other problems for other people's machines.

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