Hello all,
I have successfully set up a wg(4) based VPN tunnel from my laptop
(current) to my home/office gateway (6.9) but have problems
understanding how to access the LAN behind the gateway.

- wg0 (
- egress (trunk0 {em0 iwn0} dhcp)
- egress (em0 dhcp)
- wg0 (
- bridge0 {em1, (vether0 dhcpd)}
- various

I can ping/ssh between wg(4) endpoints ( to and vica
versa) and also from LAN clients ( to gateway wg(4)
endpoint (, but the laptop ( can only reach the
gateway (

Is it as easy as defining some routes? If so, where? There's a ton of
more or less relevant and/or updated howto's out there but I have not
found anyone dealing with a similar scenario. Any hints are appreciated.

(My wg(4) setup is based on:

Best regards,


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