harrywea...@tutanota.com writes:
> A few among the myriad:
> https://www.tomsguide.com/news/zoom-security-privacy-woes
> https://jonathanhays.me/2020/04/04/zoom-insecurity/
> https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/ftkb69/zooms_security_and_privacy_problems_are/
> But, perhaps you're comfortable with that.
> We're all different.Cheers!

Internet service provider doesn't know how to internet. News at 11.

They're not insecure (except by accident), they're incompetent.
Just like everyone else. Also the company seems to be more ham-fisted
in its approach to public relations than Zuckerbook.

If your response to incompetence on the internet is to flee somewhere
with competence* and thus ignore its hidden mistakes, then may I
interest you in this fine bridge?

Use whatever it is to your heart's content. Adverts are unhelpful.
The question was "do you want to join our zoom conference" not "what
should we use for internet conferencing".


[*] I don't know which thing you promoted but whatever it is, its
security flaws haven't been found yet. Just like zoom's weren't
until the entire world descended upon it en masse.

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