On Sat, Jan 01, 2022 at 12:01:28AM -0600, Luke Small wrote:
> The lights on my server which shows that the disks are busy were on and not
> just flashing and I looked at top and usually it???s because security is
> running, but this time NOTHING! I even killed Firefox and by far the
> busiest thing on there was top! pftop didn???t seem especially busy either!

>From the extremely limited information you've given, it's hard to diagnose the 

In future, please include the output of dmesg and the output of relevant 
commands in problem reports.  This answers questions such as: how many disks 
are in this server?  Are they part of an array?

Did the output from top show a process with low or zero cpu usage, but stuck in 
the biowait state?

This can happen, for example, if you have a bad or failing data cable from the 
disk to the motherboard.  It can also happen with some SSDs, likely due to the 
firmware doing some kind of internal management of the flash memory.

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