OpenBSD 7.0 stable amf64

My host has two ethernet interfaces, em0 and em1.
Note: The host is a VM with two virtual interfaces.

Both interfaces are configured like this for IPv6 in the /etc/hostname.em0 and 
/etc/hostname.em1 files:
inet6 autoconf -temporary -soii

They are connected to the same LAN and each produces a unique IPv6 address 
using the same prefix and an EUI64 interface identifier as expected*.
$ ifconfig em0|grep inet6|grep -vE '(fe80:| fd|temporary|deprecated)'
        inet6 2001:db8::20c:29ff:fd9c:4b7 prefixlen 64 autoconf pltime 1070 
vltime 7043
$ ifconfig em1|grep inet6|grep -vE '(fe80:| fd|temporary|deprecated)‘
        inet6 2001:db8::20c:29ff:fd9c:4c1 prefixlen 64 autoconf pltime 1032 
vltime 7005

DNS records have been set up*:
$ dig +short aaaa
$ dig +short aaaa

My httpd.conf looks like this*:

ipa = "2001:db8::20c:29ff:fd9c:4b7"
ipb = "2001:db8::20c:29ff:fd9c:4c1"

server "" {
        listen on $ipa port 80
        directory index index.html
        location "/*" {
                root "/htdocs/a"

server "" {
        listen on $ipb port 80
        directory index index.html
        location "/*" {
                root "/htdocs/b"

/var/www/htdocs/a/index.html and /var/www/htdocs/b/index.html exist and each 
contains a minimal HTML page.

httpd -n sees no problem.

rcctl start httpd works fine.

However trying to access or 
http://[2001:db8::20c:29ff:fd9c:4b7] gets a timeout.

Accessing or http://[2001:db8::20c:29ff:fd9c:4c1] works 

Trying to find the cause I checked:
$ netstat -an|grep LISTEN
tcp6         0      0  2001:db8::.80    *.*                    LISTEN
tcp6         0      0  2001:db8::.80    *.*                    LISTEN
Which seems weird because only the prefix is listed not the complete IPv6 

Am I seeing a bug or is my expectation that both servers (virtual hosts) work 

*) Hostnames and IPs anonymized.


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